Our qualified team of equine friends here at Sunshine Farm quickly allows children to feel a sense of unconditional acceptance and love. Our horses don’t judge. They are kind and carry an abundance of calm healing energy. They help children work through a number of issues including, but not limited to, trust, shame, isolation, attachment and fear.
While caring for our horses a child quickly develops a sense of trust as they lovingly bond with theses magnificent creatures. The children instantly have a sense of purpose, confidence and competency which in turn empowers them to deal better with their emotions as well as their traumatic past.
The skill of caring for and riding our horses develops a mindful sense of self by boosting self-esteem and self-acceptance. These equine friends bring out emotions in these children so they can comfortably feel joy, pleasure, and be at ease while in a state of physical equilibrium.
The children form very strong bonds with our equine healers. This allows them to facilitate attachment and trust within themselves.

Horses & Healing

Sunshine Farm Progams

Small Animals & Bonding

Our other healing animals always comfort children that may be a little timid of our larger heard. The smaller animals also allow for a different connection as they can be easily held and cuddled. Our bunnies and cats peacefully enjoy being held, brushed & share the warm connection with each and every child. These animals are great for the children as they help them to feel aware of other small creatures alike and insure a bonding acceptance within each child.
Arts and Crafts Therapy

Imagination is absolutely essential in guiding children to overcome trauma. Opening up a child’s creative pathways allows for them to freely let their individual emotions flow and physically transfer onto paper how they are feeling. Our art activities also allow for an abundance of positive interaction between the children. They give helpful hints, talk about what they are making, and simply begin to enjoy the presence of one another in such a peaceful environment. The art room here at Sunshine Farm is located within steps from the horses and other animals, allowing the children to cherish the joyous feelings and bonds they just made with their new equine friends. Creative expression and bursts of color immediately put a warm smile on these amazing children’s faces.
Physical Activities

Increasing body awareness puts children in motion with their inner beings. Participating in sports such as soccer, kickball, a parachute game, basketball, t-ball & even yoga helps them to overcome fear of their feelings and encourages them to be part of a group or team. Physical activity calms down the central nervous system and releases endorphins in the brain. The joyful engagement of a particular sport activity is healthy for not only their mind, but soul too.

Agricultural Experience

When a child plants and is working in sync with others as well as nature something magical happens. They quickly feel a loving connection to Mother Nature and a sense of belonging. Knowing that they can make an impact by simply planting a vegetable or flower, and being able to watch that progress is very powerful. From their first visit to the farm to their next they will see what they themselves have grown. This experience is more than encouraging and makes quite the impact on allowing the children to see what they are capable of, as well as bonding with nature.