Meet Dawn not only is she kind and caring but can she cook... every week the children look forward to her amazing desserts...She heads up all our Fundraising and Grants...She is also a mentor to a few kids in the foster care system. Dawn was also awarded the Myra Kraft community MVP 2022!
More of our Sunshine Team!

Janice not only helps getting the horses ready for the children but assists in all equine activities from brushing tacking up and riding . She also is a seasoned gardener and fabulous cook.

Dina is a fourth grade teacher and a great asset to our farm. She brings out the creativity of all the children that come. She shares her kindness and compassion around Sunshine Farm.

Michelle loves every aspect of SFS. She brings her compassion and love to all of the children and animals each day. She makes and purchases gifts throughout the year for the our amazing "Christmas Toy Shop". She also loves to do all of out flower plantings throughout the farm.

Ally and Wren
Ally and Wren love helping with arts and crafts and playing sports with the kids.